Listening to the Other - Media Repository
This online repository contains complementary materials to the publication 'Listening to the Other'.
Related publication
Listening to the Other (Stefan Östersjö)
MF2.1 David Gorton and Stefan Östersjö developing material for the Almain in 2010.
MF3.1 Strandlines. A film by Adam Hogan.
MF3.2 Strandlines: A Conversation with the Composer. A film by Adam Hogan.
MF3.3 An annotated video from the first working session with Richard Karpen and Stefan Östersjö
MF3.4 Finding the triplet motif.
MF3.5 Shaping the descending quartertone scale.
MF3.6 First explorations of a three-part structure in the third tuning system.
MF4.1 Nam Mái. A film by Jon Rudberg and Jörgen Dahlqvist. Music by Richard Karpen and The Six Tones.
MF4.2 A first lesson in vibrato playing. Mai Huệ and Stefan Östersjö in Hanoi, October 2012.
MF4.3 Tứ Đại Oán, performed by The Six Tones in the Rosenberg Hall, Malmö Academy of Music, in 2007.
MF4.4 Tứ Đại Oán, performed by The Six Tones at the Inter Arts Center during “(Re)thinking Improvisation” in 2011.
MF4.5 Third Improvisation in Tứ Đại Oán, performed by The Six Tones at Atalante, April 2009.
MF4.6 Third Improvisation in Tứ Đại Oán, in rehearsal at EMS, 24 March 2009.
MF4.7 Second Improvisation in Tứ Đại Oán, in rehearsal at EMS, 24 March 2009.
MF5.1 Devil’s Water. A film by Merrie Snell. Music by Bennett Hogg and Stefan Östersjö.
MF5.2 Bunkeflo Strandängar: Site-Specific Resonance with Aeolian Guitar #1. A film by Ludvig Östersjö. Music by Stefan Östersjö.
MF5.3 An Interview with Akio Suzuki.
MF5.4 Devil’s Water, Track 1
MF5.5 Devil’s Water, Track 2
MF5.6 Devil’s Water, Track 3
MF5.7 Devil’s Water, Track 4