The Orpheus Institute regularly issues new publications to present and share research findings and to pass on the benefits to other researchers, professional practitioners and the wider community. Research and artistic realisations (performances, compositions, etc.) can be presented in digital media as well as printed texts. They meet high international scientific standards and hold the GPRC-label (Guaranteed Peer Reviewed Content).
Orpheus Institute Series
2013-This series of peer-reviewed publications —launched in 2013— encompasses monographs by Research Fellows and associates of the Orpheus Institute, compilations of lectures, texts, and performances from seminars and study days, and edited volumes on topics arising from work at the institute. Research can be presented in digital media as well as printed texts. As a whole, the series is meant to enhance and advance discourse in the field of artistic research in music and to generate future work in this emerging and vital area of study.
view collectionCollaborative publications
2017-Artistic and academic outcomes by our researchers published in collaboration with other publishers.
view collectionORCiM Series
2009-2011This series of four books explicitly "zooms in" on studies that take artistic practice as their point of departure and deals with questions and challenges that arise from that practice. With this publication series, the Orpheus Institute helped develop a discipline-specific discourse in the field of artistic research in music, which at the same time acted as a springboard for future research in this young but fascinating area.
view collectionWeb publications
2009-Within the global framework of the Orpheus Instituut's research and publishing activities this series of web-based publications is a flexible and necessary complement to the other Orpheus Instituut's series. The series represents an interesting variety of valuable research reports and unique source materials. The texts are commissioned by the Orpheus Research Centre.
view collectionCollected Writings of the Orpheus Institute Series
1999-2014The "Collected Writings of the Orpheus Institute" series started in 1999 and was the Orpheus Instituut's first publication series. The twelve publications in this series contain musical testimonies and music-theoretical reflections with a strong emphasis on musical practice.
view collectionECHO
2020-ECHO is a new online, open access, peer-reviewed journal that exists to share creative work and understanding in the common space at the intersection of music, thought, and technology.
view collectionSONUS
2024-SONUS is a new series of monographs, edited collections, and other substantial works created and presented on the Orpheus Institute’s online publishing platform, designed specifically to allow integration of media and graphics in the presentation of artistic research in music.
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