Chapter Seven - Continuous Sound
Figure 7.2:
Documentary clip:
Tremolo experiments with slow-motion camera
Figure 7.3:
Middle C (c1) on Walter
Middle C (c1) on Erard
Figure 7.4:
Tremolo on Walter model action
Tremolo on Erard model action
Tremolo on Erard model action with long C
Tremolo on Erard model action with long E
Tremolo on Erard model action without jeu céleste
Tremolo on Erard model action with jeu céleste
Performance video:
Louis Adam
Ranz des vaches (Méthode de piano, Paris: Naderman, 1804–05, 221–22)
By Luca Montebugnoli
Performance video:
Louis Adam
Romance from his Sonata in C Major, Op. 8 No. 2 (Paris, 1801)
By Tom Beghin, filmed during CD recording sessions, Sint-Truiden, February 11, 2019