Jan Schacher

Date and location

June 22, 2017
Orpheus Institute

Electric Salon with Jan Schacher

EventJune 22, 2017


Interfaces, sensors and Arduino. Jan Schacher (CH) introduces his movement-based work and shows how to work with the most common device, the Arduino.

The Arduino hacking salon will provide musicians, media artists and hacking enthusiasts with an insight into interfacing the real world phenomena with digital sound processes or use them to control physical actions through electrical switches and devices. We will cover basic circuits, input connections, basic programming, and communication with sound software such as Pure-Data, MaxMSP, or supercollider, Processing. The sensors we look at capture light, movement, measure distance or sound with piezo sensors, and with the actuators such be solenoids (electromagnets), DC-motors, Servo-motors, piezo-speakers, and LED lights we will be able to make sounds on physical objects or analog electronics. No particular skills are needed, but an affinity with computers, electronics sounds and a curiosity to discover new ways of interacting are highly recommended.

www.jasch.ch / www.arduino.cc

What to bring?

Please bring a laptop and own Arduino in case you have one.

Orpheus Electric Salon

Orpheus Electric Salon returns with a flash-sequence of events in June – weekly sessions to show, learn, develop and play sound-work. Nicolas Collins hosts a series of guests addressing topics important to everyone working with sound.

Calling musicians (electronic and steam), sound-artists, multi-media artists, performers, composers, hackers, instrument builders – these salons cover a range of ideas relevant to us all, whether established practitioner, curious musician or absolute beginner.

Each week there will be hacking workshop, a chance to share your work, a hands-on introduction from expert artists to crucial elements of contemporary sound-work – and perhaps a chance to play together.

Thursdays 17.00 – 21.00 through June



Electric Salons at Orpheus are open for all and free to join, but registration is required (max. 10).