Festival Oude Muziek Utrecht

Date and location

September 5, 2021

Festival Oude Muziek Utrecht

News EventSeptember 5, 2021

"Ton Koopmans bibliotheek als medium voor nieuwe oude muziek"

Orpheus Research Fellow Bruno Forment will be a guest at the Festival Oude Muziek in Utrecht on Sunday, September 5, for a lecture on the "Resounding Libraries" research group and the Ton Koopman Collection. The live stream is free to watch.

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In 2020 Ton Koopman said farewell to his private library. The result of more than sixty years of collecting and studying was given a new purpose in the Ghent Orpheus Institute. Principal investigator Bruno Forment talks about the contents of the collection and Orpheus’ ambitious research plans.

Language: Dutch

More info: oudemuziek.nl