Critical Edition of Luigi Nono’s "…..sofferte onde serene…" for piano and tape (1975-77)
Edited by Paulo de Assis from the original sketches, autographs, working tapes, and tapes

2009 - 2013
The archives that were consulted for this project, include the Archivio Luigi Nono in Venice, the Archive of Casa Ricordi—BMG Ricordi in Milano, the Experimentalstudio der Heinrich-Strobel-Stiftung des Südwestfunks in Freiburg, and the Nono-Archiv Stenzl in Salzburg. For the written score, in addition to the sketches and original autograph, the main sources are the final Autograph (ALN signature 42.19), the revised copy for the publication (Ricordi), and the first edition. For the tape, the sources are the tape provided with the score in the edition Ricordi, the copy of the tape preserved at the Experimentalstudio Freiburg, the recording of Maurizio Pollini for Deutsche Grammophon, and the working tapes conserved at the Archivio Luigi Nono in Venice.
shirling & neueweise (engravers, Berlin)
João Rafael (replica of the tape, Freiburg)
Tags: notation, music editing