Mapping SAMPlab
2010 - 2013
At the basis of the double platform lies the observation that technological design and laboratory settings as well as the experiments themselves and their dissemination always are (and need to be?) grounded in some conceptual and discursive framework. The technical settings will consist of technical parameters - of control, measurement, recording, etc. - and technological-aided collection and dissemination of data - video, network-base implementation, online streaming. The conceptual framework will offer an orientation of extra-experimental parameters - brought in from the outside - and experimental parameters - environmental, perceptual, performative, embodied, cognitive.
With this project we want to offer musicians a tool for research, (1) encouraging the creative use of technology as potential means for deepening our understanding of musical practice and (2) enhancing the understanding in both musician's practice and research settings of the interaction between conceptual maps and technical tools.