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Call for Proposals: Orpheus Research Seminar Nov. 2016

Call 15 april 2016

Sound Work

The 10th Orpheus Research Seminar offers the opportunity for contributors from around the world to gather and explore the theme of composition as critical technical practice.

Sound Work

Composition as Critical Technical Practice

21-23 November 2016, Orpheus Instituut

This seminar – convened by Jonathan Impett - will consider composition as a research activity - a process informed by theory and intuition, constraint and contingency, expectation and experience. It is a continuous iterative process of inscription and reflection in which its models, metaphors, aspirations, obligations, tools and technologies all play a part. This process is distributed temporally, socially and materially. The artefacts of composition – however notated, improvised, virtual, embodied or technologically implemented – are hybrid technical objects. Neither pure ‘inspiration’ not unmediated formalism account for what they contribute. We might rather consider composition as a design process, and study its dynamics and decisions in the spirit of critical technical practice – a term coined by Philip Agre in his work on the creation of the artefacts of artificial intelligence.

Call for Proposals

Practitioners from all disciplines are invited to submit proposals for presentations. We particularly welcome proposals for presentations that explore the demonstration of composition as research in innovative ways.

Deadline for Proposals: August 17, 2016.

Send us your proposal through