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van 22 februari 2012 tot 23 februari 2012
Orpheus Instituut

Composition Experiment Tradition

Eventvan 22 februari 2012 tot 23 februari 2012

ORCiM Seminar 2012

The fourth International ORCiM Seminar organised at the Orpheus Institute offers an opportunity for an international group of contributors to explore specific aspects of ORCiM's research focus: Artistic Experimentation in Music. The theme of the conference is: Composition – Experiment – Tradition.

This two-day international seminar aims at exploring the complex role of experimentation in the context of compositional practice and the artistic possibilities that its different approaches yield for practitioners and audiences. How these practices inform, or are informed by, historical, cultural, material and geographical contexts will be a recurring theme of this seminar.

The seminar is particularly directed at composers and music practitioners working in areas of research linked to artistic experimentation.

Organising Committee

William Brooks (U.K.), Kathleen Coessens (Belgium), Stefan Östersjö (Sweden), Juan Parra (Chile/Belgium)