ODC 2018

Datum en locatie

van 18 april 2018 tot 19 april 2018
Orpheus Instituut

Dissolving Borders: Musical Migration / Migratory Musicking

Eventvan 18 april 2018 tot 19 april 2018

Orpheus Doctoral Conference 2018

Music, and the arts in general, has always been a source of inspiration in times of crisis; it establishes rapport between peoples and cultures and serves as a laboratory for the creation and expression of cultural values.


Keynote speakers

Jordi Savall – conductor, gambist, composer, ensembles Hespèrion XXI and Orpheus XXI

Prof. Dr. Jin-Ah Kim – Hankuk University, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin


  • Guy Livingston
  • Lukas Ligeti
  • P.I. Echa
  • Kira A. Dralle
  • Catalina Vicens
  • Liselotte Sels
  • Úrsula San Cristóbal
  • Sean Matharoo
  • Avery Gosfield


docARTES PhD students started in 2016:

Doc Artes Square





Registration fee: € 80 (standard fee) / € 45 (students) / € 15 (Jordi Savall keynote). Participation is free of charge for researchers and students affiliated with Orpheus Institute and docARTES.

We have a special ticket for the keynote of Jordi Savall (19 April, 16.00 - 18.30). Please register through the form and select the Jordi Savall keynote ticket (€ 15).

Deadline: 11 April 2018