Shrader Portrait

Datum en locatie

22 juni 2017
Orpheus Institute

Study day with Charles Shrader

Event22 juni 2017

The research cluster 'Declassifying the Classics' was pleased to welcome Charles Shrader from University of Pennsylvania, whose research questions about Steibelt and the French pianistic school intersect and challenge our own.

The morning’s round table revisited the subject of the French tremolo, in discussion and through performance. Michael Pecak performed Louis Adam’s Sonata in C major, Op. 8 No. 2, in its entirety, followed by Tom Beghin performing Beethoven’s Sonata in C major (“Waldstein”), Op. 53.

The lecture demonstration on Beethoven's Erard of the previous evening drew together performers, musicologists, instrument builders, and music lovers from Royaumont, Paris-Sorbonne, and various locations in Belgium. The study day extended some of the lively conversations held in the aftermath of the event.