RAPP Lab – Reflection-based Artistic Professional Practice
Erasmus+ strategic partnership for higher education (2020-2023)
Aims and objectives
RAPP Lab is a three-year EU-funded research project supported by the ERASMUS+ programme "Strategic Partnerships". RAPP stands for “Reflection-based Artistic Professional Practice” and the project will be taken forward through a series of multi-national encounters described as Labs. The project brings together the artistic research expertise of seven partner institutions – conservatories in Oslo, Tallinn, Rome and Vienna as well as the Orpheus Instituut Ghent and the AEC – under the direction and initiative of the Hochschule for Music and Dance Cologne.
RAPP Lab explores how the reflective methodologies of artistic research empower musicians to creatively respond to the economic-cultural environment with which they are confronted. During the course of experimental, thematically and methodologically differentiated artistic research labs, advanced music students will have the opportunity to try out new teaching & learning formats. Informed by artistic research, such approaches build on and extend specialized artistic study programmes to explore new modes of knowledge production. Findings from the Labs will be used to generate and refine a structured concept for the implementation of artistic research paradigms within the learning and teaching programmes at music academies. Gaining new knowledge through reflectiveness and critical thinking empowers students, graduates and teachers in their art-making but also helps them to develop new economic and cultural roles and, as a consequence, to widen and increase students’ future cultural participation.
More info:
- Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln, Germany
- Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia, Estonia
- Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien, Austria
- Association Europeenne des Conservatoires, Academies de Musique et Musikhaochschulen AISBL, Belgium
- Norges musikkhøgskole, Norway
- Orpheus Instituut, Belgium
- Conservatorio di Musica Santa Cecilia, Italy
With the support of the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union
Project Reference: 2020-1-DE01-KA203-005662