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Aberrant Nuptials

  • Author(s)Paulo de Assis and Paolo Giudici (eds.)
  • Publication yearDecember 2019
  • SeriesOrpheus Institute Series
  • CodeISBN: 9789462702028
  • Price€65.00

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Deleuze and Artistic Research 2

Unique focus on the relation between artistic research and the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze

Aberrant Nuptials explores the diversity and richness of the interactions between artistic research and Deleuze studies. “Aberrant nuptials” is the expression Gilles Deleuze uses to refer to productive encounters between systems characterised by fundamental difference. More than imitation, representation, or reproduction, these encounters foster creative flows of energy, generating new material configurations and intensive experiences. Within different understandings of artistic research, the contributors to this book—architects, composers, film-makers, painters, performers, philosophers, sculptors, and writers—map current practices at the intersection between music, art, and philosophy, contributing to an expansion of horizons and methodologies. Written by established Deleuze scholars who have been working on interferences between art and philosophy, and by musicians and artists who have been reflecting Deleuzian and Post-Deleuzian discourses in their artworks, this volume reflects the current relevance of artistic research and Deleuze studies for the arts.

Contributors: Suzie Attiwill (RMIT University), Sara Baranzoni (Universidad de las Artes of Guayaquil), Zsuzsa Baross (Trent University), Terri Bird (Monash University), Ronald Bogue (University of Georgia), Barbara Bolt (VCA University of Melbourne), Peter Burleigh (University of Basel / HGK, Basel), Edward Campbell (University of Aberdeen / Centre for Modern Thought), Marianna Charitonidou (University of Paris West Nanterre / National Technical University of Athens), Jean-Marc Chouvel (Paris-Sorbonne University), Guillaume Collett (University of Kent), Zornitsa Dimitrova (University of Münster), Lilija Duobliene (University of Vilnius), Lucia D’Errico (Orpheus Institute), Bracha L. Ettinger (artist, painter, theorist), Henrik Frisk (Royal Academy of Music Malmö), jan jagodzinski (University of Alberta), Oleg Lebedev (Université Catholique de Louvain), Gustavo Penha (University of São Paulo), Katie Pleming (King’s College London), Liana Psarologaki (University of Suffolk), Emilia Marra (University of Trieste), Tero Nauha (Helsinki Collegium), Stefan Östersjö (Orpheus Institute), Simon O’Sullivan (theorist, artist), Antonia Pont (Deakin University), Elisabeth Presa (University of Melbourne), Spencer Roberts (University of Huddersfield), Jonas Rutgeerts (dramaturge, performance theorist), Anne Sauvagnargues (University of Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense), Janae Sholtz (Alvernia University), Steve Tromans (musician, independent researcher), Kamini Vellodi (University of Edinburgh), Paolo Vignola (Universidad de las Artes of Guayaquil), Audronė Žukauskaitė (Lithuanian Culture Research Institute).